I just want to be what you need

[I just want to be what you need]
Hair: DOUX - Venezia *main store release*
Eyes: [Avarosa] Alma
Eye Makeup: IDTTY - So Juicy *Happy Weekend*
Lipstick: IDTTY - Shine Bright *Happy Weekend*
Lingerie: Cynful Fluffy Love Lingerie - White
Robe: Moon Elixir x MUSE - Miss Independent Robe 
Septum: VOBE - Rue Piercing 
Bodychain: Kibitz - Aella Bodychain - Silver
Navel: PUNCH / Navel Piercing / Diamonds

Backdrop: FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Unconditional 
Pose: .HelloGorgeous. Bonnie

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